Timetable & Live streamSearchPhotosLocationLineup ShareTwitterFacebookLine2025桃園跨年晚會Tue, 31 Dec桃園高鐵站前廣場2025桃園跨年晚會Tue, 31 Dec2025桃園跨年晚會 will take place in Taiwan, its a 1 days event, over 1 stages, more than 13 artists.WebsiteFacebookStream platforms: Youtube - 中視新聞Youtube - ETtoday新聞雲Youtube - 中時新聞網Facebook - 樂遊桃園Facebook - 中視新聞Subscribe2025桃園跨年晚會, Below is the entire live stream, location, map, full set times, timetable, lineup and schedule.TimetableTue, 31 Dec19:00Live streamTue, 31 Dec19:00Search桃園高鐵站前廣場01 Jan00:05TRASH桃園高鐵站前廣場31 Dec23:20KANG DANIEL桃園高鐵站前廣場31 Dec23:05DAYCHILD桃園高鐵站前廣場31 Dec22:30范逸臣桃園高鐵站前廣場31 Dec22:05ELL&S桃園高鐵站前廣場31 Dec21:45小男孩樂團桃園高鐵站前廣場31 Dec21:20李芷婷桃園高鐵站前廣場31 Dec21:05洪暐哲桃園高鐵站前廣場31 Dec20:35丁噹桃園高鐵站前廣場31 Dec20:10陳芳語桃園高鐵站前廣場31 Dec19:45白安桃園高鐵站前廣場31 Dec19:25艾薇12PhotosLocation桃園高鐵站前廣場桃園市中壢區高鐵北路一段LineupSaturndayIvy LeeAnn BaiKimberley ChenDella DingWajiNasiMen Envy ChildrenELL&sVan FanDayChildKang DanielTRASH🔥2025桃園跨年晚會TimetableStream platforms - Youtube - 中視新聞Stream platforms - Youtube - ETtoday新聞雲Stream platforms - Youtube - 中時新聞網Stream platforms - Facebook - 樂遊桃園Stream platforms - Facebook - 中視新聞Location(Google Maps) - 桃園高鐵站前廣場Map